Monitoring, Evaluation and Research
The Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) section is responsible for systematically documenting programme implementation and collecting the data that makes it possible to assess the impact and effectiveness of GBTI activities.
The Flow of Data
Quantitative data recording begins with the CO itself, which records all details of its activities, including its minutes, resolutions adopted, and Minutes, in a Karwai (proceedings) Register. The Field Units collect ‘ground-level’ data about every CO – the number of members, the savings they have accumulated, the training courses their members have taken, their ENRM activities, health and education activities, the amount of micro-credit borrowed and repaid, and so on. Data collected in the field offices flows in to the Field Head offices, where it is verified and consolidated into a Monthly Progress Report (MPR). The MPRs and the sector specific data (RCED, HRD, PITD, GSSS, and ENRM) are consolidated into a monthly programme update at the Head Office. The qualitative data is captured in case studies and assessment studies, which describe the impact of GBTI interventions on individuals and projects.
Pre-Project Analysis
The MER section prepares project proposals that identify the activities relevant to the purpose and intended outcomes of the Project.
The Situation Analysis is a useful tool to assess the development needs and potential of an area. A Situation Analysis makes it possible to identify relevant and feasible Project interventions for specific social, economic and/or environmental contexts. The data in the Situation Analysis also serves as a benchmark for evaluations, enabling us to measure rates of growth, how well we are meeting established targets, and so on.
Monitoring and Information Systems
Effective monitoring of the quantitative aspects of the mainstream GBTI programme and the projects is accomplished through MIS systems. These include MIS for PITD, HRD, Micro-credit, Micro-health insurance. The monthly progress reports generated from these MIS provide the data for the monthly programme update. The human resource development MIS, which makes it possible to track regional training activities, has been extended into programme area. In a related activity, the training data recorded in filed head office, entered into the HRD-MIS. This makes it possible to establish a computerized database which reaches back to the first ever training courses offered by HRD. With this in place, trend analysis, cost effectiveness studies, and gender-focused analysis become much simpler to accomplish;
- Regular reports (monthly, quarterly and annually) have been developed and disseminated among different stakeholders.
- A report on “Conservation of Nature” was developed to consolidate all work done under ENRM sector. (December, 2018)
- An impact assessment of PMIFL scheme in UC-Dingi of District Haripur was developed
- 67 detailed case studies were developed (2018)
- Impact Assessment study on “Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Plan” of UC-Kotehra was conducted under the project LACIP-KfW-PPAF (Livelihood Support and Community Infrastructure Project). (2017)
- An Assessment of Community Investment Fund in two villages of District Attock conducted. (2016)
- A report developed on “Establishment of Grapes Nursery” a guideline for the potential farmers. (2015)
- A report on “Gender & GBTI” was developed (2015)
- Immediate impact assessment of 56 PTF cases has been conducted (2014)