Mr. Malik Fateh Khan
Chief Executive Officer
Malik Fateh Khan is working with “Ghazi Barotha Taraqiati Idara” since 2011 as a Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Khan is not only proactively working for the betterment of affectees of the Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project but also leading the implementation of rural development activities and poverty alleviation program through community organizations in the project area. Mr. Khan has got Master degrees in Economics and Political Science. Mr. Khan worked with Government of Punjab, Pakistan for 27 years (1971-1998) as a Chief/Director General in the field of Agriculture, livestock, skill trainings, water management and rural development. In 1998 he joined “National Rural Support Program” as a Regional General Manger implementing multi sector rural development program including social mobilization, micro finance, human resource development, physical infrastructure and natural resource management. He participated in several national and international trainings like microfinance training (Boulder-USA), South Asia Portfolio Review (IFAD-Bhutan) and Community Based Organizations trainings from ICIMOD-Nepal etc. Mr. Khan has also provided his consultancy services for project facilitation and implementation to International fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD-Rome) and to Afghanistan for German Agro Action (International) for the social mobilization and Community Development. Chief Executive Officer